You may also enjoy The Tablets Of Light by Danielle Rama Hoffman which is a live transmission from Thoth and the Council Of Light (sounds cuckoo, I know, but don’t knock it ‘til you try it ?). It will help set the environment (mentally, energetically, and vibrationally - don’t ball, you’ll see). I recommend reading Doreal’s The Emerald Tablets Of Thoth before diving into this one.

There is SO MUCH to contemplate, test, and apply in here. You won’t be able to get it all in one reading. The more you work on purifying and improving yourself, the more you will come to discover about “reality.” And the more you know about yourself and reality, the more you will be able to gain from this book. This is a text you will want to return to as you climb to higher levels of consciousness. But while this book is only 100 pages, don’t take it for a light read. However, if you seek truth and you have some sort of familiarity with the mystery traditions or quantum physics (and - most importantly - you feel drawn to this book), then there will be much to glean.

If you’re reading this book just to read it, then don’t expect much. “The lips of wisdom are closed except to the ears of understanding.”