Speaking of the crushing weight of morality, Karl Johnson is a particular highlight of this performance as Giles Corey – the cheerily litigious but generally harmless and ultimately heroic neighbour. Cowell performs this man’s breaking so poignantly it feels like a stone on your chest. The fragility and instability of this central ensemble makes the overblown and gruesome consequences of their lies all the more shocking.Īlthough in the first act, his fraught relationship with his wife Elizabeth (Eileen Walsh) and his sordid past with Abigail never exactly hits the mark, Brendan Cowell’s John Proctor truly begins to shine in the second act when our swaggering anti-hero hits rock bottom. Even the dissembling Abigail Williams, played with quivering, snotty panic by Erin Doherty, doesn’t seem to have calculated her next move. Lyndsey Turner’s latest production presents the frilly, pastel-pink clad girls of Salem village as visibly young and frightened. The drama production and the musical are wonderful ways to get involved in the school if you’re a freshman or even if you just want to try something new.Arthur Miller’s The Crucible – familiar to nigh on every secondary school literature student across the UK – recounts the tragedy of the Salem witch trials, presenting the story of feuding communities, honour, litigation, betrayal and hysteria as an allegory for McCarthy’s notorious witch hunt in mid-century America, which aimed to wheedle out ‘un-American’ (read: communist) activities. The play is smaller than the spring musical will be and Olivia Martinez specified that there will be “many more opportunities” for anyone who would like to try out. According to Olivia Martinez, it was a very “difficult” process because so many “new” people tried out. However, on the second day, each person was given the choice to try out for whichever role he or she wanted. The first round of auditions was very general. Due to the rather large number of people auditioning for the play, it took about “a week and a half” for the cast to be chosen, according to Olivia Martinez.

In the cast, there are a total of 20 roles, 6 understudies, and a total of 40 people auditioned. The production is “not a comedy,” but rather is full of “suspense,” as well as including major “character development,” says stage crew manager and senior Olivia Martinez. The story takes place during the Salem witch trials and is vastly different from the spring musical. The play will be in the PAC on November 19th and 20th, with a total of three separate shows.

You may already be aware, but for those who aren’t, this year the drama production is The Crucible.