That made them a valuable commodity which Alphas in power took as if it was their due. Omegas had become exceptionally rare since the plagues and the following Reformation Wars a century prior. That it was his job! With her hand still pressed over her nose and mouth, her muffled, broken explanation came as a jumbled, angry rant, Claire hissing, “I choose.” Every part of her was screaming out that he should be stroking her and easing the need. He was making her angry, furious even, with his stupid questions. “And you have been through them all in seclusion instead of submitting to an Alpha to break them?” Shivering, suddenly loving the sound of that lyrical rasp, she clenched her fists at her sides instead of beckoning him nearer. “How long does your heat typically last, Omega?”

The degrading way he spoke made her open her eyes to see the beast standing still, his massive erection apparent despite layers of clothing. It was hard enough to make it through estrous locked in a room alone until the cycle broke, but his damn noise and the smell invading past the rotting stickiness of her clothing was breaking her insides apart. He growled again and the muscles of her sex clenched so hard she whined and curled up on the floor. The smell alone drove any Alpha into a rut. That was why the Alphas fought for them and forced a pair-bond to keep them for themselves. Shaking her head back and forth, Claire began to murmur, “I’ve lived a life of celibacy.”Ĭelibacy? That was unheard of… a rumored story. “You are fighting your cycle,” he grunted low and abrasive, beginning to pace, watching her all the while. His second, louder grumbled noise sang inside her, and a wave of warm slick drenched the floor below her swollen sex, saturating the air to entice him. The noise shot right between her legs, full of the promise of everything she needed.

Seeing the female grimace through another cramping wave, Shepherd growled, an instinctual reaction to a breeding Omega. The horror of the day, the sexual frustration of her heat, made Claire belligerently raise her head and meet his eyes. “So you foolishly walked into a room full of feral males to ask for food?” He was mocking her, his eyes mean, even as he grinned. “You are the Alpha in Thólos, you hold control… we have no one else to ask.” They’re killing us.” Her blown pupils looked up at the intimidating male and pleaded for him to understand.

Unsure if Shepherd had heard, she used her feet to scoot away from the male until her back hit the wall, and tried again. She watched him bolt the door with a rod so thick it dwarfed her ankle, trapping her, cornering the Omega for mating.